Do you have a dream to be a part of a revolution of joy by gathering and leading tribes of people into their highest most alive self?

Come be a part of creating a conscious world full of joyfully connected tribes that explore new ways to light up life and contribute to each other living in fullest potential! We must create homes for our hearts and visions so we all feel supported in making the changes that infuse us with joy inside and out.

You can learn how to gather, lead and facilitate these Radiant Tribes!


Being in Tribe facilitating people coming together in their dreams not only creates an inspired life, it heals first family wounds, inner isolation and supports powerful courage for tribe members to leap into empowered living as unique and creative individuals.

Join our Tribe of Facilitators and learn how you can bring alive and lead Radiant Tribes!

This training is a life changing 4 day immersion in Boulder, Colorado

Here's a Taste of What You will receive:

Tribe time: You will sit in tribe with the other facilitators in a mountain setting and experience the intimacy and inspiration as a tribe member yourself! Kate will facilitate your facilitator tribe.

Manual that includes:

  • Protocol and curriculum and all materials needed to learn:
  • How to run 6 week Radiant Tribes
  • How to market and gather a Tribe
  • Training Materials to support you as a facilitator

You Will Learn These Key Elements of running a Weekly Tribe Gathering:

Initiate: How to create a clear container using tools to activate the energy of the group each week

Inspire: How to deliver teachings on the weekly themes

Connect:  How to lead interactive exercises to facilitate the tribe in releasing old patterns and opening up to new dreams, visions and possibilities as individuals and as a community

Commitment: How to guide the tribe in making weekly life actions steps to support new possibilities. When we apply our inner shifts to life, life changes.

Witness:  How to facilitate tribe members in sharing commitments, courageous moments and new ah has and to ask for support and accountability

Contain: How to close the weekly tribe gathering using tools and practices taught to you.

You will receive training in Key Elements of facilitation: 

  •  Intimacy: How to invite depth, inspiration, reflection, and vulnerability
  • Connection: How to support groups in building trust
  • Disrupting with skill:  How to step into what’s happening when someone’s sharing no longer serves the group vision
  • Tracking: How to facilitate the tribe based on ongoing awareness of vision, time, people, shared agreements
  • Allowance: How to support tribe members in trusting their value and to expanding the field of allowance in the group
  • Navigating transitions: How to stay aware of group energy and know when to shift direction, and how to do that with ease.
  • Working with individual/group needs:  How to increase contributions and full participation.
  • Building confidence How to skillfully bring forth vulnerability in yourself and others to bring as much connection and group intimacy as possible to the surface

And there is more.... 

  • Ongoing opportunities for role playing, practicing facilitation
  • Working through specific scenarios from past Tribe experiences
  • Skills for navigating challenging group dynamics
  • Ongoing online community connection and support with your fellow Radiant Tribe Facilitators

You will laugh, connect learn, meet incredible people, be inspired and step into who you are as a leader of Tribe! The world needs your brilliant leadership to be a part of the change and joy we are all so in need of in these times!


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When is the next Facilitator Training?

Feb 22nd - Feb 24th, 2018

Beginning Feb 22nd 12pm and ending Feb 24th at 2pm

Boulder, CO

Accommodation details coming

Follow up on line training Sept 28th Oct 6th 8pm MST

Each Training is Limited to 12 people so reserve your space and join the Revolution of Joy!